Making a text-based adventure game with Python @ CultureTECH

👉 Related to event: Learn Python by making a text-based game @ CultureTECH

Arrived at the The Playhouse to find ourselves in the middle of a Minecraft tournament, and Camilla (Honeycomb Creative Works), showed us the room we were to set up and run the workshop in.

I introduced what Coding Grace is about and who Grace actually is.

You won't be able to see the video in the slides, here it is if you and anyone is curious about her explanation of the nanosecond:

I also recommend this longer video of Grace Hopper on the Letterman show (this wasn't shown at the workshop):

After the introduction, aside from one or two re-installations of Python, people installed Sublime Text Editor, and got their copy of the workshop content.

We got stuck in going through the Python scripts introducing

The interactiveness of the game delves into taking input from user playing the game, and doing something with it showing the basic datatypes likes numbers and strings, various ways of comparing input to determine the outcome, declaring functions, variables, and data structures like if statements, for and while loops.

A notes for those using Python 3.0 for this workshop:

Oh and here are some smiling faces at the workshop. :-)

A big thanks to all who came to the workshop, a special thanks to CultureTECH (especially Mark Nagurski), and Honeycomb Creative Works for sponsoring Mick and myself up to Derry. A big congrats to an awesome festival as always.

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Here's our September issue, if you have events you want me to add to the next newsletter, let me know - Coding Grace September Newsletter

Data Analytics with Python Workshop Follow-up [INTERMEDIATE]

An evening learning AngularJS [INTERMEDIATE]

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And finally...

...a group shot (a few left before the workshop ended). Note to self: Take picture at beginning/during workshop.

Some tweets from the day

About Author

Vicky Twomey-Lee

Pythonista, but normally found organising various tech events, and now heavily involved in diversity initiatives like Coding Grace, PyLadies Dublin, and Women in Technology and Science (WITS Ireland).

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